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aking up early on Sunday morning is always an absolute mission! But this particular Sunday morning was different! I skipped happily to the station, as my destination was the Nash Conservatory at Kew Gardens, fully kitted out in new yoga pants! There is literally no better motivation for me to get out of bed early on a Sunday morning than this! 

Lululemon has launched a new campaign that is all about breathing, with the title being ‘The Air Out There’. As we arrived at the location, we were welcomed by the lovely Lululemon team with cups of team to warm us up.The day had two sessions, one yoga class led by the incredible Stewart Heffernan followed by a meditation session guided by the talented Vena Ramphal. I must say that bathing in the sunlight and stretching out with 200 other yogis in such a beautiful space was incredibly uplifting and inspiring.

In my day to day life, I find myself running from one place to another, doing one thing then rushing off to my next class. I stopped taking the time out of my day to breathe, or look around and appreciate the beautiful city I am lucky enough to live in. However, this Sunday morning was different; we had full access to the rest of Kew Gardens. I got an eyeful of beautiful exotic plants and more types of cacti than I have ever seen. Thank you Lululemon for reminding me to breathe.

Next time you’re on the tube, keep a look out for their breathing posters. The poster says, breathe in for 4 and out for 6. Do it three times on the tube while you’re squashed in between a hundred people in the cart and I promise you it will transform your day.